Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog!

I'm starting this up as a project for a Digital Journalism class at Santa Clara University, where we are instructed to make a blog about analysis and critique in the online news media. Every time I update this, I will focus on a specific puzzling issue regarding certain news (or "news") articles that I may come across online. Then I can provide a list of links and resources that will direct you to more information so you can form your own opinion and raise any concerns about the issue at hand. I hope you find my critique of the day interesting as well as insightful.

Before I give you a little more information about the purpose of this blog, let me tell you a little about myself first. My name is Maxine, and I am a senior at Santa Clara University, double majoring in both Communication (with an emphasis in Journalism) and Dance. I have a deep passion for the arts, specifically performing arts, and I am very interested in the advocacy for arts education programs, especially for children. My interest in Journalism actually stemmed from the realization in my Intro to Journalism class that I really am an informer. I get excited when I learn something new and feel the need to tell everyone I know. This is especially in the case of pertinent social justice issues, such as learning from my immersion experiences in El Salvador and visiting my parents' homeland in the Philippines. I believe that everyone - as inferior as higher-ups deem them to be - should have a voice, and through words (and art!), that can be accomplished.

So that is my background - a little glimpse into some of the topics that I would be interested in covering throughout this quarter.

Now, here are a few criteria for my news evaluation. I will be looking for the following:
  • Accuracy, backed up with reliable evidence and links to other sources
  • Frequently-updated sections
  • Objectivity
  • Clear focus
  • Pictures and/or videos to enhance the message
  • Timely and relevant headlines, especially on the front page

Hopefully from this you can get a sense of what I'm trying to accomplish with this project. Enjoy, and don't hesitate to comment!

<3 maxx

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